[Mini Album] Dana Hong - Asura (MP3)

With some truly top-notch electric piano playing and a hefty backbeat, "Asura," the title track off of R&B vocalist Dana Hong's new EP released on Monday, is one of the smoothest sounds currently coming out of South Korea.
Hong offers up a fiery barn burner of a performance on "Asura" while never getting showy or allow the need to prove herself rise above the needs of the song and the band supporting it.
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[ Mini Album ] Dana Hong – Asura
Artist: 홍단아(Dana Hong)
Release Date: 2015.02.02
Genre: R&B / Soul
Language: Korean
Bit Rate: MP3-320kbps

Track List:
01. 탓탓탓 (feat. 스윙스)
02. 취해도 추해지진 않아
03. 웃기지마
04. Asura

Dana Hong – Asura
Size : 33 MB

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